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moshe was all too human, afraid of death, afraid of being forgotten. “will they remember when i die,” he asked. “they will.” God promised...

ki tisa

a plea; a protest don't leave us alone, without defender, without protector. we will only go with you. you must go before us. carry us on...


Purim, March 24, 1940 like yom kippur, so too purim, just as on yom kippur, we are commanded to fast, whether or not we want to, so too...

parshat mishpatim

this relationship we’re in, we’re in it with you, we’re in it for the long haul. sometimes we may want to say no, this isn’t fair, we...

parshat yitro

(i wrote this in hiding) wherever you go, there you are; wherever you are, there you’ll find God. there’s no separating place, the Place,...

parshat beshallach

i will sing now and i will sing then. i will sing now, in the darkness, in the suffering. salvation still yet to come. and i will sing...

parshat bo

an invisible string connects them, mouth to mouth, heart to heart. beyond the grave, my torah remains your torah, your torah is my torah....

parshat va'era

he asked, why do we require a magrifa, in an instrument of a thousand voices, a thousand songs, to sweep away the ashes? did he know? ...

parshat shmot

Parshat Shmot, January 10, 1942 i am not there yet. you and me, God, we are becoming. my doubts are my offering. could I be better,...

parshat vayechi

if i could only tell them the end is near, that the end of their suffering is coming. perhaps, it would offer some comfort. but i, like...

parshat vayigash

barukh atah, praised are You. God. you are before me, face-to-face, i pray. i summon you into being. with a you that insists you are here...

parshat miketz

to the One who said "enough," in the beginning, the stretchy strings of the universe grew and grew, stretching further and further,...

parshat vayeshev

there are many kinds of silence. there's a silence when there's much to say but one chooses not to say it, a silence of stepping back, of...

parshat vayishach

before you succeeded, you struggled; you struggled, you fought, you never gave in. spirit lifted, soul high, you were a warrior. you were...

parshat vayetzei

God, i try to inscribe you on my flesh, there are moments when a faint outline comes through but it's temporary. it fades with the...

parshat toldot

my God, i am lost. are you looking for me? are you here? try checking the place you saw me last. between the pages of a musty tome, nose...

parshat chayei sarah

dear God, i've been thinking a lot about resilience. there's a great darkness in the world, a loss that sits on the chest at night,...

parshat noah: to be stiff-necked

to be stubborn, to be worthy of the name stiff-necked, let this endear me to you. to be broken, beaten down, crushed, to look the darkest...

parshat beresheit: in the beginning

dear God, we can't bear this kind of hesed, you say, a kindness hidden, all we see is darkness. you rule us in fire. please, God, rule us...

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Old Books

Faith in the Fire

Poetic Writings on the Eish Kodesh

this is an attempt to appreciate, to integrate and to internalize the torah of rabbi kalonymus kalman shapiro.  in the eish kodesh, rabbi shapiro writes of faith and hope from inside of the warsaw ghetto. each week, in response to his divrei torah on the weekly parsha, i'll offer my own words, a humble attempt to lift up the poetry within his torah.

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