before you succeeded, you struggled;
you struggled, you fought,
you never gave in.
spirit lifted, soul high,
you were a warrior.
you were a lord,
before you succeeded.
parshat vayishlach, november 25, 1939
The angel also hinted to Jacob another aspect of his new name. The name "Israel," as the angel explained to Jacob, means "You struggled with angels and with men and you won." The Hebrew word for "struggle" is sar, and stems from the Hebrew word for "lord." The angel was saying, "First you were a lord, and then you were victorious. Even before the battle was decided you had already won, because even when you were in dire straights, you still ruled your spirit and never allowed it to fall. Even in those difficult times you were still, inside yourself, always a lord."
ועוד רמז המלאך לו כי שרית עם אלקים ועם אנשים ותוכל שרית מלשון שר מקודם שרית ואח"כ ותוכל גם קודם ותוכל גם כשהיו צרותיך רבות מאוד ג"כ שרית לא נפל רוחך בקרבך רק גם אז היית בקרבך שר.