they call to one another,
in love, with affection.
here i am, take me, take all of me.
every conversation,
every act of support, is a receiving of sorts.
we are the vessels.
we call out one to another,
we listen,
we give of ourselves,
we receive each other
in return.
and so too,
Parshat Vayikra, March 16, 1940
Angels receive from one another not only when Jewish people give charity and perform acts of kindness for one another: even when one Jew simply listens to the troubles of his fellow Jews, angels are empowered. If a Jew hears of the suffering of others and does what he can to help, and if his heart breaks and the blood congeals in his veins at the story of his friend’s troubles, then angels are empowered. If from this broken heart the Jewish person has thoughts of penitence and returns to God, praying to the Holy Blessed One on behalf of the Jewish people, then this also is an instance of jews receiving from one another. One receives from his fellow a broken heart and thoughts of repentance, while the other receives mercy and favors that may be done for him, as well as the prayers that are offered up in return. With this action below there is a reciprocal action above, and so the angels also receive from one another.
ולא רק כשנותנין זל"ז צדקה וגמ"ח מקבלין דין מן דין רק גם כששומע איש מצרות ישראל ועושה כל מה שיכול לעשות לטובתם ובכלל לבו נשבר בקרבו והדם נקפא בגידיו ומלב נשבר עושה תשובה לד' וגם מתפלל אליו ית' בעד ישראל גם זאת קבלה היא שמקבלין דיו מן דין שהוא מקבל מהם שבירת הלב ותשובה והם ממנו רחמנות ופעולות טובות שעושה להם וגם תפלה שמתפלל בעדם וגורם בזה למעלה מקבלין דין מן דין